Last Thursday, a very special lady turned 16, and to celebrate we got dragged down the river on a rubber donut. It was the best.
Connor holding an entire basket of flowers (which later turned out to be our living party bags) was a photo opportunity too good to be true. Enjoy it, it probably won't happen again.
Once the sun had gone down, the boat had been packed up, dinner had been served and the cake had been cut, we all wandered down to the dock. Sarah had obtained a number of giant floating lanterns to finalize her first day of sixteenness in style. many of us were unable to control the urge to burst out in "And at last I see the liiiiiiight!", and so various pitches of the Disney song rang out as the lanterns rose into the sky.
There are a few pinnacle moments in life: taking the training wheels off the bike, the first time in an aeroplane, getting your Ls, graduating High School, etc. Turning 16 means a lot of these happen all at once, in a way it is the beginning of the end of childhood. I don't know exactly what a perfect way to celebrate that would look like, but I reckon if I had to choose, it would look a lot like this.