S U M M E R // 20.09.15
This Summer, I'm going to learn to surf.
That's what I told myself one morning in winter when I decided that I'd just about had enough of it. When people ask me what my favourite season is, I tell them Summer, but under the condition that things happen. Hellish temperatures and inconceivably high humidity percentages are somehow made bearable with the occasional road trip or visit to the ocean, and this Summer I was going to go prepared. I've been surfing a few times over the years, but the last time I had actually been up on a board was a good two or three years ago, and I figured it was time for a lesson. Mmm, there's nothing like flailing about like an elephant on a bit of fibreglass while a sun-bleached professional patiently holds you by the nose and yells at you to "paddle, damn it!". Sometimes the fall comes before the pride, at least that's what I comfort myself with. So I roped in a friend (which became seven) to join me for a day (which became five) to get our beach babe on and hit the waves.
While the pictures may not show much evidence of surfing, they'll give you a taste of my sun-drenched weekend. Do enjoy (insert Wipe Out song here).
Take Me to the Ocean
"If I could bottle up the sea breeze I would take it over to your house
And pour it loose through your garden
So the hinges on your windows would rust and colour
Like the boats pulled up on the sand for the summer."
Wednesday: Kiss The Berry x Lulu Lemon
Hello there everyone! I want to first of all apologise, my blogging habit has lately been irregular at best, so many cool things have been going on that I'm just about ready to burst to get them up on the blog and share them with you all. It is these things that have prevented me from posting for a while, but Friday being my precious day off, I got my act together and am currently sitting in bed, double-shot of coffee in hand and Macbook in lap. I love my job.
On Wednesday morning some pretty delicious / physically beneficial happenings were going down at Kiss The Berry's South Bank location under the Ferris Wheel. Lulu Lemon Brisbane and the ladies at Kiss the Berry were holding a collaborative event for some of Brisbane's most influential health bloggers, to showcase the newly launched lululemon athletica Sensation Innovation workout tights alongside Kiss the Berry's new Spring Menu. Twelve Brisbane bloggers were led through a 30 minute yoga session by the lovely Melissa of Anchor Training, before sitting down among pillows and flowers for one of the most aesthetically pleasing breakfasts I've seen in my life.
Kiss the Berry's stunning Spring Menu is designed by Brisbane's own Lorae Misipeka at the Autumn Co.
The morning was a feast for the senses, quite literally. If you haven't yet experienced the heavenly marriage of some Lululemon Sensation Innovation tights and a Kiss the Berry Aloha Acai Bowl, you're missing out in life. Get yo'selves down to South Bank for some fruity goodness and light Luon that'll leaving your well-held-in legs dancing and your tastebuds singing for joy.
Winter Fashion Edit
one. Linen stripes and leather jacket // two. White linen tee under black wool jumper // three. Striped tee under grey overcoat with black skinny jeans and patent black brogues // four. Patterned sweater // five. Wax canvas backpack // six. Charcoal knit jumper and felt fedora // seven. Navy overcoat over plain white tee and tan skirt // eight. Cream trench // nine. Camel coat and navy fedora // ten. Navy knit sweater // eleven. White overcoat over cream knit sweater and patent pants //